What is Moodle?

Provided that you represent an academic institution and also you wish to help make your lessons accessible on the www, then Moodle needs to be your number 1 choice. Moodle represents a web tutoring platform which is created specifically for educators and professors, that want to help to make their tutorials accessible on the web.

Considering it’s specific potential customers, Moodle is created to be convenient to use by both the tutor and the student, in order to be more easily accessible. That is why you will find such a large community, focused on designing themes and plugins that enhance Moodle’s core capabilities.

Moodle is a trademark of Martin Dougiamas and shares no connection with Quality Value Service (QVS) hosting.

E-School Linux Shared Services Services

In case you manage a web based course for students, your site should be always online, irrespective of how many trainees are visiting it at any given moment. At Quality Value Service (QVS) hosting you’ll be able to acquire specific E-School Linux shared services services with 99.9% service uptime, guaranteed. This means that irrespective of what transpires, your website will remain online.

Each of our E-School Linux shared services packages also provide infinite disk space, unlimited data traffic and limitless MySQL storage. To kick–start your educational portal, we additionally will give you a free domain name registration or domain transfer. Additionally, we’re going to set up Moodle for your web site the moment you join. For this reason, when you log in inside of your control panel, you can have your Moodle site already online, awaiting you.

A Point & Click Online Control Panel

In order to make the management of your Moodle academic website much easier, we’ve designed our very own custom Online Control Panel. It’s available in more than 10 languages and merges website supervision and domain management in a single location. It’s moreover created to live completely inside the cloud and offers performance and protection much better than the ones offered by alternative control panels.

Quality Value Service (QVS) hosting’s Control Panel is loaded with free tools and bonuses. With the E-School Linux shared services plan, you get Moodle configured by default. Using our control panel, it’s possible to install any one of more than 40 well–known web applications for instance Joomla and Wordpress with zero configuration required, through the Application Installer. Also, you have available Quality Value Service (QVS) hosting’s Site Accelerators to drastically hasten up your web sites. Our Online Stats Manager will start working automatically, with no need to include any tracking code to your sites.