Discover what a database engine is, what exactly are the benefits of the InnoDB engine and why it's gaining a huge amount of popularity.
InnoDB is a MySQL database storage engine, which has been gaining in popularity in recent years, because it provides a better overall performance and an improved database crash recovery in comparison with the default engine that is used by the MySQL database management system – MyISAM. InnoDB is used by many programmers that write scalable software apps, because it works more efficiently with immense amounts of data, while it keeps the server processing load low. Moreover, it it locks only one row in the database in case anything should be modified, while many other engines lock the entire database table and thus need more time to fulfill several consecutive tasks. Last, but not least, InnoDB complies with a set of "all-or-nothing" rules – in case the entire data modification process cannot be completed successfully for any reason, the action is rolled back to prevent confusion or the loss of data. Magento and the latest releases of Joomla™ are two examples of famous script-based web applications which have moved to InnoDB.
InnoDB in Shared Hosting
Any script-based application that needs InnoDB will function flawlessly on our advanced cloud hosting platform and the database engine is available with all our shared hosting plans. Each time you create a MySQL database manually or our app installer creates one automatically and an app installation is started, the engine that the database in question will use will be selected in accordance with the app’s requirements without the need to update any setting in your shared hosting account. InnoDB will be selected automatically for any application that requires this specific engine and you’ll be able to take advantage of its full capacity. We’ll make daily content backups, so if you accidentally erase a MySQL database that’s important to you or you overwrite a certain part of it, we will be able to restore your content the way it was just a few hours ago.